We believe in three personalities of One God; God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God is eternal in existence, has no beginning nor end. He is All sufficient God; All knowing, All powerful and Sovereign Lord. He is full of Love and Justice.

We believe in God the Father who is the one that upholds all things by the Word of His Power.

We believe in Jesus Christ who is the  Son of God and also God Himself. Jesus Christ became the only proprietor of our sins; He died on the cross and rose again to guarantee our forgiveness and justification.

We believe that Christ is the only True Answer to humanity for a life of peace and everlasting life. Only by His Name can we attain salvation and only Christ is the way to the Father.

We believe that by the sacrifice of Christ on the cross men and women can receive their new life. The shed blood on the cross is sufficient and enough to wash away sins and turn sinners into saints. At the cross our enemy the devil was defeated once and for all. Now people all over the world can and will be set free from darkness and bondages as they accept Jesus as Lord and Savior.

We believe in the Holy Spirit who is God too. He is the indwelling Person and God in the believer to empower them for their life in Christ. He is the Senior Partner in their lives to walk alongside them as a helper and comforter. He is the Spirit of Truth, Grace and Power.

We believe in a personal encounter with Christ and also in the fellowship of believers to build our faith in Him. The believer should be rooted and built up in Him, established in the faith out of what he or she has been taught in the scriptures. We believe a believer can walk in the fullness of God in him or her.

We believe that the manifestation of Grace is given to all believers. This gives us power to be priests and Kings in God’s family which is the Chosen Generation, Royal Priesthood, Holy nation, special people unto God called from the Kingdom of Darkness into His Marvelous Light.

We believe in the empowerment of a believer by God’s Spirit to express the gifts of the Spirit for the edification of a believer and others around him or her.

We believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God able to instruct the believer in the way of righteousness. It has no errors in the original writings and it’s the manual  for Christian living. It holds all the Words of a loving God full of life to change and transform man from carnality to spiritual living in the power of the Spirit.

We believe in the transforming power of God to anyone who believes and surrenders their lives to Christ. Our renewal and regeneration is by God’s Word and His Spirit.

We believe that Christ came to establish God’s Kingdom on earth which we have become agents to see His Will established on the earth. God’s Kingdom is superior over all other kingdom’s on earth or beneath.

We believe in justification by faith in Christ Jesus.  We believe salvation is a free gift to humanity that is received freely by faith and results into a changed life, mind and spirit. We believe that God has ushered us to a dispensation of grace apart from which we are nothing without God’s Grace.

We believe that God created us to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. God created us with an inner desire to worship Him alone. When we miss God we worship ourselves or other counterfeits or substitutes which only lead to sorrows. We are called to love God with all our hearts, mind, body and strength.

We believe that believers should be water baptized by immersion. In this baptism we identify ourselves with the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. Baptism is an outward symbol of the real inward change attained through repentance from a sinful life to begin a walk with Christ.

We believe in celebrating the Lord’s Supper as we partake of the communion elements we are reminded of Christ’s body given and broken for us and His blood shed for the remission of sins. In this spiritual and sacred ceremony we proclaim His death and its effects on us till His return again.

We believe in the Personal Return of Jesus Christ on earth to take His children to everlasting life and the wicked ones to everlasting shame. We believe God will make a new heaven and a new earth in which righteousness will dwell forever.

We believe in the authority of a believer over sickness, diseases and Satan. The believer is positioned to be seated with Christ in Heavenly places above principalities and powers.

We believe in a God who desires to heal nations, break chains and deliver people from Satan, sickness and darkness.

We believe in the God of REVIVALS to our generation. That we will witness a worldwide revival and awakening of the nations back to the Knowledge of the Glory of God. That the ENDTIME HARVEST is coming and God shall be glorified in our times like never before as souls turn to Christ in our lifetimes.

We believe in the Glory of God covering the whole earth as the waters covers the seas. The Knowledge of the GLORY OF GOD will spread across nations and righteousness and praise will spring up in the world.

We believe in the unity of faith among believers . God came to establish His Kingdom on earth not denominations. The Church must unite and come together to see God’s Kingdom manifested like never before.

We believe in the God of prosperity and abundance. God will open treasures of wealth to His people to finance the Kingdom assignment.

We believe God’s Work done in God’s Way will ultimately produce God’s Results and will never Lack God’s Provision.

We believe in the demonstration of God’s Power on earth through signs and wonders, miracles and supernatural happenings.

We believe that the Kingdom of God supersedes all other kingdoms on earth. The Kingdom of Light overcomes the Kingdom of Darkness. Whoever is born in the Kingdom of God by God’s Word overcomes the world through faith in God.
