_Covenant Partners. These are partners who will stand with the ministry prayerfully at all times and also give a monthly financial donation to the ministry.

ONE SOUL PARTNERS. These are partners who will stand with the ministry prayerfully at all times and give their financial donation for a specific evangelistic and mission trip to take the world for Christ.

Ministry or Church Partners: These are churches or ministries that are led to partner with CFAG financially and  network for evangelism. 

CHOSEN GENERATION PARTNERS. These are partners who will stand with the ministry prayerfully at all times and support any arm of the ministry in terms of Projects, Schools, Training or any other ministry initiative towards building God’s Kingdom and touching people’s lives worldwide.

To be a partner email christforallgenerations@gmail.com or call/SMS +254 702830091.

A place for donations. You can partner with us financially by sending your contribution to Mpesa Line +254 702830091 or send to Michael&Beatrice. Equity Bank Account Ngara Branch Kenya. Account no. 0910197982937.

Once you become a partner you will receive a partnership number from CFAG and be part of CFAG partners meetings.
